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Open Positions

Board - Vice President

SSC has been organizing bike riders for decades now, and we're not stopping any time soon; As Vice President, you'll play an active role in writing our next chapter. Whether you're an opinionated member who has ideas for how we can grow, or an appreciative member who wants to take a turn at the wheel and give back, we want you!

Board positions are a two year commitment. This position will be available January 2025.

Board - Treasurer

Help keep the club on track financially! SSC does a whole lot, and this key position helps us keep doing it. As Treasurer, you'll be responsible for more than our banking, you'll be expected to deliver a report at the Monthly Meeting that informs club members of our financial situation as well as keep the other board members from getting too... imaginative (spendy). Have others called you a "voice of reason"? Do you know what a spreadsheet is? Apply today! 

Board positions are a two year commitment. This position will be available January 2025.

Board - Social Director 

This one's as fun as it is easy - we're asking you to throw parties. If having a ball on someone else's dime sounds like you're cup of tea, then we want you in charge of our shindigs! 

Board positions are a two year commitment. This position is currently available.

Ride Director - 2025 SSC century

Each year, over 100 riders participate in our annual Century Ride. It's important that we secure a 2025 director, since this annual event is our largest as well as one of the club's primary income sources. Elaine Garrett has organized this ride for the past few years, and is ready to share her experience with you! Though you may not have organized SAG and aid stations, planned event routes, schmoozed your way into lucrative sponsorships, or designed event swag, Elaine has. She, and the others who've been involved, will be there to help you throw a successful ride. 

Joking aside, this is a big job. A big, important, job. As Director, you'll be in charge of a dedicated committee and will have a large budget with which to dazzle. The candidate will need to be available in the Spring, as that's when the event occurs. 

We hope that you enjoy your brief taste of dictatorship. But - if you don't - no sweat! Ride Director positions are seasonal and you're only signing up for this year's event. 

Ride director - 2025 climb the coast

Climb the Coast is an annual Summer event. It's an opportunity to escape the Valley's stifling temperatures and join friends for a weekend of cycling on the Central Coast. As Director, you'll be responsible for organizing SAG and aid station volunteers, planning routes, creating a schedule, and communicating with participants. Though this event has been called "Climb the Coast", it's guiding idea is really just to get to the coast for late-summer weekend escape. 

We hope that you enjoy your brief taste of dictatorship. But - if you don't - no sweat! Ride Director positions are seasonal and you're only signing up for this year's event. 

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     SSC - PO Box 667, Exeter, Ca 93221


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